Tuesday February 11, 2025 5:00pm - 5:25pm PST
Mark Rakhmilevich, Oracle, Vice President, Product Management, Mission-Critical and Blockchain Technologies

Existing security mechanisms are designed to keep hackers out. However, they have unavoidable vulnerabilities - chiefly due to human weaknesses (e.g., phishing attacks). We cannot prevent these break-in's, but we can minimize their impact by making critical data tamper-proof by using blockchain technologies.

Conventional blockchain systems, however, have been very difficult to use because of the requirement for new programming languages, tools, and workflow processes. This is changing as blockchain features are being incorporated in general-purpose databases. This makes it possible to implement blockchain in mainstream enterprise and government applications with minimal application changes.

This talk will begin by introducing the threats posed by hackers and compromised insiders. Then we will describe an implementation of in-database blockchain and how it can protect your data against these threats. We will compare this against conventional blockchains as well as share use cases from customers who have adopted this technology.
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Mark Rakhmilevich

Vice President, Product Management, Mission-Critical and Blockchain Technologies, Oracle
Tuesday February 11, 2025 5:00pm - 5:25pm PST
DeveloperWeek PRO Stage
  Cloud Native World
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