Thursday February 13, 2025 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Kushaagra Goyal, Rubrik, Tech Lead

In the rapidly evolving landscape of computing, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), Language Processing Units (LPUs), and Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) play pivotal roles in accelerating complex tasks, particularly in machine learning and artificial intelligence.

GPUs are renowned for their parallel processing capabilities, making them ideal for rendering graphics and handling large datasets. LPUs are specialized for optimizing natural language processing tasks, enhancing efficiency in understanding and generating human language. TPUs, developed by Google, are tailored specifically for training and inference of machine learning models, offering significant performance advantages for large-scale AI applications.

As we explore these technologies, we'll also look at emerging processing units designed for specific AI use-cases and the future of computational advancements.

Join me to dive into the intricacies of these processing units, their applications, and what lies ahead in the world of computing technology.

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Kushaagra Goyal

Tech Lead, Rubrik
I earned my Bachelor's degree in 2016 from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, where I was inspired to develop technology that addresses everyday challenges. Subsequently, I pursued a Master's degree at Stanford University, where I had the opportunity to learn industry best... Read More →
Thursday February 13, 2025 10:30am - 10:55am PST
Dev Innovation World Stage
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