DeveloperWeek 2025 has ended
Thursday February 20, 2025 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
Amanda Chew, Horizon Quantum Computing, VP of Product

Quantum computing holds the potential to solve some of the world's most complex computational problems, provided we have the knowledge and tools to harness this power. In this session, I'll be sharing about how we've used product thinking and strategy to build a product in a deep tech and nascent technology, so that classical developers can code and build applications for quantum computers without any quantum knowledge.

As quantum computing is still a nascent industry, there are vast uncharted territories between scientific research, product development and design to be bridged before quantum computers can become useful. It is interesting to learn how to apply product thinking and strategy in this field, so that the audience can benefit from applying this principles in a narrow and restricted area, and extrapolate these skills to apply them in their domains.

What do you want people to learn from your talk:
How to apply the craft of product in science and emerging technologies.
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Amanda Chew

VP of Product, Horizon Quantum Computing
Amanda is the VP of Product at Horizon Quantum Computing, where she leads the product vision, strategy, research, design and development of our tools for programming quantum computers. She has over 9 years of experience in the technology field, and has a strong background in product... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 3:00pm - 3:25pm PST
VIRTUAL Dev Innovation World https://app.events.ringcentral.com/events/developerweek-productworld-ai-devworld-2025/reception
  Dev Innovation World
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