Wednesday February 19, 2025 10:00am - 10:25am PST
Dennis Pilarinos, Unblocked, Founder & CEO

For all the claims about AI increasing developer productivity, why aren't developers seeing more of an impact?

What we’ve heard from thousands of developers is that writing code is not their main challenge. They’re stuck at Step #1 – trying to find the right context about how the codebase works and why.

Codebases are a compilation of thousands of decisions, discussions, and documents that live across tools like Confluence, Slack, Notion, Jira, Linear, GitHub, and more - accumulated over years if not decades. Whether a developer is onboarding to your team or trying to understand how a piece of legacy code works, they waste hours every day digging for the answers through all these systems.

Unblocked augments your code with context from the tools in your stack, giving your development team a platform for asking questions, and for discovering historical context about their code.

The impact here is profound: with Unblocked, developers can answer their own questions without interrupting their peers or having to wait for meetings. What’s more, they can find the entirety of the information they need wherever they're working.

If we want to see actual productivity benefits from AI, we need to use it where we spend the most time. The more we can empower developers with the context they need, the faster we can achieve our goals and the happier we can make our teams.
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Dennis Pilarinos

Founder & CEO, Unblocked
Dennis Pilarinos is the founder and CEO of Unblocked, a developer platform that gives teams helpful answers to questions about their codebase. Previously, he was the founder and CEO of Buddybuild, a mobile-focused continuous integration service that Apple acquired in 2018 and launched... Read More →
Wednesday February 19, 2025 10:00am - 10:25am PST
VIRTUAL AI DevWorld Stage https://app.events.ringcentral.com/events/developerweek-productworld-ai-devworld-2025/reception

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