DeveloperWeek 2025 has ended
Wednesday February 19, 2025 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
Dan Barahona, APISec, Co-Founder

This talk will dive into the fundamentals and best practices for API Security. By understanding the 3 Pillars of API Security, encompassing governance, testing and monitoring, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the essential elements required to safeguard APIs. The session will conclude with practical insights, offering best practices and valuable do's and don'ts for implementing and maintaining secure APIs.

Why are APIs under attack?
-83% of internet traffic are APIs
-APIs are under-secured

How do APIs get attacked?
Attackers look for APIs that are over-permissioned, return to much information, access unauthorized functions, and expose logic flaws. Attackers are able to bypass a web or mobile app and hit the API directly.

OWASP top 10!!
#1-#4 are the biggest issues

More compliance regulations are including testing APIs.
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Dan Barahona

Co-Founder, APIsec University
Dan is a 20+ year cybersecurity veteran, having held exec positions at companies including Qualys, ArcSight, Anomali and APIsec. He founded APIsec University in 2022 to offer free, non-vendor training on API security. The site has grown to over 50,000 students in its first 6 months... Read More →
Wednesday February 19, 2025 2:30pm - 2:55pm PST
VIRTUAL Dev Security World https://app.events.ringcentral.com/events/developerweek-productworld-ai-devworld-2025/reception
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