DeveloperWeek 2025
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Tuesday, February 11

12:00pm PST

PRO WORKSHOP (AI DevWorld): Building The Next Generation of AI Agents with You.com
Tuesday February 11, 2025 12:00pm - 12:50pm PST
Saahil Jain, You.com, Head of AI
Bryan McCann, You.com, Co-Founder & CTO

Description: In this session, You.com CTO Bryan McCann and Head of AI Saahil Jain will discuss various ways businesses can use AI to power new experiences across use cases, leveraging our experience in information retrieval and generative AI since we first launched in 2020. As the AI space rapidly evolves, You.com is constantly thinking about how to stay ahead of the curve and provide answers to the increasingly complicated questions that businesses face. We will share best practices and tips on how to use the latest advances in AI effectively.
avatar for Saahil Jain

Saahil Jain

Head of AI, You.com
avatar for Bryan McCann

Bryan McCann

Co-founder and CTO, You.com
Tuesday February 11, 2025 12:00pm - 12:50pm PST
AI DevWorld Main Stage

1:00pm PST

PRO WORKSHOP (AI DevWorld): GenAIOps: Building Robust and Secure GenAI Systems
Tuesday February 11, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm PST
Jason Kelly, Fremont AI, CEO

POCs and prototypes are exciting, but productionizing and scaling Generative AI applications is hard. How do you effectively monitor compliance, privacy, and safety? How do you support multiple models and use cases while avoiding vendor lock-in? And how do you help teams build their apps without reinventing the wheel or creating security vulnerabilities?

Whether your developers are wrapping third-party GenAI APIs or self-hosting a complex stack with RAG frameworks and fine-tuned LLMs, the landscape is filled with tools and frameworks that promise solutions. In this vendor-agnostic session, you'll get a detailed look at GenAIOps principles and tools. With real-world examples and sample code, you’ll learn how to navigate these challenges and leverage Generative AI with confidence.

We'll cover:

- Examples of GenAI pitfalls and business risk they create
- Components of a GenAIOps stack: Monitoring, Guardrails, API Management, Security, Developer Experience
- How GenAI integrates with the standard SDLC
- Examples from interviews with real-world teams in industry
- How-To: Deployable sample code for a cloud environment showing these guidelines in action [GitHub link to be included]
avatar for Jason Kelly

Jason Kelly

CEO, Fremont Robotics
Jason Kelly is a tech entrepreneur with deep experience in applied autonomy and industrial AI. He is CEO of Fremont Robotics, a startup dedicated to automating dull, dirty, and dangerous tasks across manufacturing, energy, facilities management, and more.
Tuesday February 11, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm PST
AI DevWorld Main Stage
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